mrdames's review

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He starts with the common argument about creationist scientists making important scientific discoveries. No issue there. However, it only takes a few pages of complaints about "evolutionists" for Sarfati to show that he, like most creationist authors, does not know what evolution is. "Molecules to Man" has never been a thing. Cells to man is evolution while molecules to single cells is abiogenesis (chemistry). Then he argues the influence of bias in science. It's rather amusing when he says that "It’s not really a question of who is biased, but which bias is the correct bias with which to be biased!". The correct bias? Where are we to find that?

I roll my eyes through chapter one as he points out that this professor is a self-proclaimed marxist and how "Dr Stanley Jaki has documented how the scientific method was stillborn in all cultures apart from the Judeo-Christian culture of Europe." I don't know much from outside my own continent but the polytheistic man-loving Greeks invented the scientific method and the Islamic golden age worked it out too. Then he lists Christian scientists, again. "the creationist rocket scientist Wernher von Braun" Creationist and Nazi who literally went to his local death camp to choose the slave-labourers to build his rockets. Not the best example.

It's interesting that he brings up the 'impossibility' of sight evolving and how biologists from the NAS are mostly atheist. Child me used to think that eye is too complex to be an accident until David Attenborogh explained it.

At this point I gave up on reviewing. If you want to read a good creationist book, pick one not 15 years old.