
Claimed by the King by Lorelei Moone

storiedconversation's review

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I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This was a very sweet read. There is a bit of mystery in the prophecy that comes from the elders. I really liked Kelly. She was being sent to her death (so she thinks) and isn't planning on accepting it like it's no big deal. She has her plan and I think that goes to show more about her and her character than anything else. She doesn't rally fit into her village and as the story unfolds you find out more why.
Broc is the king and needs to take a mate which is what the Reaping is all about for his people. he hates the Reaping and would love nothing more than to do away with it but his people need it if they are going to survive. From the moment he sees Kelly there is something about her that draws him in. I loved him as a character. As a king he follows his instinct and heart even when it would seem he is being naive.

Both characters were well written and I am interested in what happens with Tarq and the mysterious mermaid found as well as Rhea. She was so tough but I have a feeling she has had to be. While sweet Bree made the moments with her much more real. She was so interested to learn about humans but had strong opinions of her own.


This review was originally posted on A Lucky Grace

somewherelostinbooks's review against another edition

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Claimed by the King is an interesting read. Kelly is sacrificed by her village to the giants of Black Isle as per tradition. However, unlike previous sacrifices, Kelly does not let her new life scare her. She quickly learns to adapt to life on Black Isle. The King, Broc, has decided to claim her for his own. They quickly form a bond but I would have liked to see the relationship between Broc and Kelly develop a little more. Their love story felt rushed. Aside from that, the world Lorelei Moone created is intriguing and I'm interested to see where she goes with this series. 

wickedlyromance's review

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I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This was a very sweet read. There is a bit of mystery in the prophecy that comes from the elders. I really liked Kelly. She was being sent to her death (so she thinks) and isn't planning on accepting it like it's no big deal. She has her plan and I think that goes to show more about her and her character than anything else. She doesn't rally fit into her village and as the story unfolds you find out more why.
Broc is the king and needs to take a mate which is what the Reaping is all about for his people. he hates the Reaping and would love nothing more than to do away with it but his people need it if they are going to survive. From the moment he sees Kelly there is something about her that draws him in. I loved him as a character. As a king he follows his instinct and heart even when it would seem he is being naive.

Both characters were well written and I am interested in what happens with Tarq and the mysterious mermaid found as well as Rhea. She was so tough but I have a feeling she has had to be. While sweet Bree made the moments with her much more real. She was so interested to learn about humans but had strong opinions of her own.


This review was originally posted on A Lucky Grace

irridessa's review

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adventurous challenging emotional medium-paced


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elylibrarysec's review

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This book has a little bit of everything. There’s fantasy which may spark your imagination. There’s a paranormal twist with the addition of shifters – although that part is a little understated. You don’t really know at what point in time this takes place but I think historical fiction when listening. Speaking of listening, Mr. Turner was a perfect choice for this book.

While listening to him, I thought of our main character Broc. He made it easy to picture what our hero might look and sound like. Broc seemed to be a man with plenty of patience. I didn’t mind that we didn’t have a female voice for Kelly. We still get to experience who she is and what she’s going through.

I was happily listening to Mr. Turner when I heard a nasty word – Epilogue. A little surprised how quickly it came up. It felt like a lot was missing but I'm going to assume that what is lost might be found in the next book. If not, my mind will have to fill in any blanks but I’m hoping that won’t happen since I’m sure I won’t do any justice to the people of the Black Isle.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.