
Faerie Rift by Jae Vogel

morebookspleaseblog's review

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The rating for this is more like a 3.5 star rating (but Amazon/Goodreads doesn't do that). I found Aria to be a bit much at times. Aria's demeanor at times can be aggressive or gruff when it doesn't need to be. With that being said, she really is kickass and does what needs to be done. I did have a bit of trouble following the story; it was a little difficult to tell who was saying what. I found Erol to be absolutely fascinating. The way he sees the world and human civilization was refreshing.He seemed a bit naive, but sincere. I wasn't a fan of Aria's treatment towards Erol, but that was just her demeanor. She is a warrior after all.

There is a warning in the description that this story is dark and is intended for adults. That warning is there for a reason! A bit of the theme was dark, fascinating! It was a captivating story and I do look forward to where the story goes from here.

*I received a copy for an honest review.