shelley_pearson's review against another edition

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Whitney Houston died on my birthday, so the week before my birthday seemed like a good time to listen to this audiobook. I liked Whitney Houston a lot when I was little, but I didn't really know that much about her personal life, or most of the events that her mom talks about in the book. It was kind of a funny book, because Cissy told her own whole life story too, like it's probably a third of the way into the book before Whitney is even born. And Cissy clearly loves Whitney a lot, but she also makes a lot of stuff about herself. Like when she watched Whitney record "I Will Always Love You" and decided it all about her own relationship with Whitney's dad.

I think Robin Miles' dramatic reading really added to how over-the-top it was. You could just hear the disdain dripping when Robyn Crawford or Bobby Brown came up. Every time, she's all "Now, I did not care for Robyn Crawford." OMG Cissy. We know.

So it was kind of quirky, but it was a touching tribute to her daughter, and I learned a lot about Whitney. Cissy described her as such a sweet girl who just wanted everyone to like her. She just seemed so nice and huge-hearted, and it's so sad that she had so many struggles and died so young. I feel like hardcore Whitney fans would already know most of the stuff in the book, but I still recommend it to all fans.

jayvall's review against another edition

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The basic gist of this memoir is Cissy going "I had no idea what was going on with Whitney and those drugs. People told me things but I didn't believe them because I didn't see it with my own eyes." "I'm a don't take no mess kinda woman but I let my kid snort her way into an early grave. If only she would have asked me for help but she didn't." "I can't speak on that because I wasn't there." To which I say, well then what exactly was the point of the book Cissy. There was nothing in there that we didn't already know; hell, that Whitney didn't say herself in those interviews with Diane Sawyer and Oprah. The only two things I learned were
that Whitney had a miscarriage before she married Bobby and she got cut on her face that required plastic surgery
. Everything else was stuff we all knew already.

allbookedup4's review against another edition

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I learned a great deal about Whitney Houston's life, her parents, and her accomplishments. I especially loved the pictures that were used. Gone too soon, but what amazing work she did and gave to others while she was living.