
Fire from Heaven by Jerry B. Jenkins

mirandahay's review

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It has been a while since I have read the books so it took me a little to remember what was happening. John, Mark’s cousin, died on a ship from the comet that hit the ocean. Judd and Vicki were fighting the whole book until the end. Most of them got fake IDs and changed their looks. They meet new people. Z and his dad that helped them with their new looks. Z also told them about an abandoned school building that they had. All of the kids are there now. Vicki got Phoenix, the dog, and Charlie, the slow boy. And they are at the school with them. But the two girls from GC just walked in with a gun pointed at the group. But they don’t look so good.

mirandahays's review

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It has been a while since I have read the books so it took me a little to remember what was happening. John, Mark’s cousin, died on a ship from the comet that hit the ocean. Judd and Vicki were fighting the whole book until the end. Most of them got fake IDs and changed their looks. They meet new people. Z and his dad that helped them with their new looks. Z also told them about an abandoned school building that they had. All of the kids are there now. Vicki got Phoenix, the dog, and Charlie, the slow boy. And they are at the school with them. But the two girls from GC just walked in with a gun pointed at the group. But they don’t look so good.