
Edible by Ella Frank

snow_elves's review against another edition

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DNF 15%.

im sorry but it's annoying me to no end how often it's mentioned that the heroine is soooo "out of the box" and different than anyone else, and she thinks about how no mother would approve of her dating her son, and im like..... why? there's nothing particularly different about her. just because you dye your hair, have a tattoo, and like bright colors doesn't mean you're a rebellious outlaw but you'd think she were by the way she thinks about herself, and by how cole keeps describing her as "special".

mindforbooks's review against another edition

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Oh. My. Goodness.

I adored Rachel throughout this series and I was sure that her book was going to be a good story, but bleedin heck, I was not expecting that. There is so much I want to say but it's just all too much.

I'm just going to state for the record that Cole did not do it for me in 'Entice' I was not at all excited about him. Thought he was stuffy and rigid and a total control freak. I will also state that I know absolutely nothing. (books and covers people, books and covers).

Every week I fall in lust at least once with a fictional character. The lust lasts until the next book and it is infatuation after infatuation. It's never been love. This is love. As is only fair I have informed my boyfriend that should Cole ever show up I will be forced to leave and live a life of debauchery while only consuming caramel and wine.

Cole. Who knew? I didn't see it coming. Who could? A stuffy lawyer in an expensive suit.

But there was so, so much more. He is alpha. He is strong. He is loyal. He is caring. He is kind. He is trustworthy. He is all kinds of sexy. He is clever. He reads. He loves his mam.

And under that suit. Oh boy under that suit.

The tattoos

And then the piercing's

Just YUM.

Some Cole quotes: (I swear to all that is divine this man is a God)

"Remember this moment, Rachel, because I don't plan to forget it until you're screaming my name so loudly that every single person within a ten-mile radius knows what it fucking is."

"Whenever you are waiting for me, always wait as though I'm above you and about to slide inside you. Always be ready for me."

"Uh, would you mind if we had this conversation after I'm dressed?"
"Yes, I do mind. I actually prefer you naked."

I also must mention Mason and Rachel's dad. Catherine (their mum) was an amazing lady and I mentioned how great I thought she was in my 'Exquisite' review but they also had a pretty awesome dad. I loved the way he was with Rachel, I actually loved how they all allowed her to be herself from a young age. The scenes with him were all beautiful. 'My Girl' brought a tear to my eye.

This was a lovely moment between them that included Mason:

"Someone said something about her hair."
Rachel felt her dad pull away from her. He reached over to wipe a tear from her face, but she turned away, so she could glower at her brother.
"And what could they possible say about hair that looks so..." He paused as though he was trying to think of the right word. "Sweet?"
"Sweet?" Rachel squeaked.
Mason couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah." Their father nodded. " cotton candy."
"Oh, Dad." Rachel finally laughed as she hugged him. "Thank you, but that doesn't really help."
"Well, you're laughing," he pointed out before looking back and forth between the both of them.
"Never let someone make you feel like you are not the best version of yourself. You hear me?"

Loved this series. Ella Frank rocks.

mafemoreno's review against another edition

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Such a good read, Rachel and Cole are one of the best couples I have seen and I can't wait to continue reading this awesome series!!

mrsbatts610's review against another edition

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What a great ending to the series! Rachel and Cole were my favorite couple. This author has moved on to my must buy list. I'll admit, this series started off a little shaky for me, as I couldn't stand Lena in book #1, however she's even redeemed Lena for me by now.

I loved Rachel in the previous books. You could tell off the bat she was an interesting person and not TSTL. The build up in Entice was awesome, and Edible was a great story. Cole was HOT, sexy and such the alpha male, loved his cockiness, and loved his softer side.

All in all, great book, and I'm looking forward to her next book, Try with Logan.

vpeterson's review against another edition

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When I finished my second/third (depending on the book) re-read of the Temptation series, I decided that it was time to read this one, even though I don't read much MF romance anymore. I wanted to get to know Mason and Lena and Josh and Shelly and most importantly, Cole and Rachel.

I enjoyed the first two books, but this one. Man, I will never be able to read the Temptation series in the same way, knowing what I know about Cole and Rachel. It was completely unexpected and brought a whole new layer to their parts in the Temptation series.

All 3 books in this series are hot, well-written, funny, emotional, and the first MF books I've read in years. If you love the Temptation series, but haven't read the Exquisite series, do it. It adds so much more to it.

Is there anything Ella Frank can't do?

gerireads's review against another edition

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♥♥♥5 Edible Stars!!!♥♥♥

Edible (adj): Fit to be eaten.

I have loved this series ever since I've read about Mason and Lena's story, then Josh and Shelly. Personally, I couldn't wait for Rachel's story. So when it was revealed in Entice who Rachel's partner was going to be, I couldn't help but be intrigued. I mean, what's more intriguing than a stuffy lawyer with penchant for three-piece suits and blue-haired, wild child pastry chef? So my expectations for this book was sky high.

Well, it's safe to say that Ella Frank delivered. This book has exceeded my expectations in every way. We all now that the first two books were hot but this one took hot into an entirely different level. It's on a whole other dimension. No joke.

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The chemistry between Cole and Rachel were off the charts, scorching hot. You can feel every single touch, lick and kiss between Cole and Rachel as if you were there with them. I feel like voyeur, a dirty, horny voyeur who wants to join in on the action. LoL!

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Trust me, Cole was pretty irresistible and so hot. The things he did to/with Rachel, I wanted it done to me, okay? Caramel anyone? Yes, please and while you're at it, please bring a bottle of red wine. Ella Frank, what a wicked imagination you have. I loved it!!

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But there is more to this book than just the sex and the chemistry. There is a great story here, the obvious being Cole and Rachel's journey to happily ever after. But more than that it is also a story about family and loss. This was one aspect of the book that I really loved aside from the chemistry of course.

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I loved seeing Mason again. This time as a concerned older brother who was quite out of his element in dealing with Rachel's new relationship with Cole. We also get to see Rachel's relationship with her dad. As a reader, I truly understood Rachel's loss after reading those beautiful passages. Although, I felt awful for what happened, Rachel's past relationship with Ben added another layer to Rachel's character that made her more endearing and relatable to me.

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Cole Madison is an enigma. He's an intriguing mass of contradiction wrapped in a very sexy, edible package. He's a contradiction because beneath the three-piece suits lies an almost different man entirely with his tattoos and piercing. But more than that, he is a contradiction because in spite of the ruthless, takes no prisoner image he projected, he is also a son, a friend and a lover.

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I loved Cole's relationship with his mom. It was heartbreaking and it explained a lot about Cole. I was pleasantly surprised about his
half-brother Logan.
and I can't wait to explore the dynamic of that relationship in
Logan's book.

So is this book highly recommended? You betcha! Read it and enjoy Cole and Rachel.

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