
The Curious Case of the Cursed Spectacles by Constance Barker

ghostly1's review

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So, let me get this straight. You drop everything to go see your sick uncle but don't actually go to the hospital to ask him WTF with the cursed objects but instead will stand around arguing about how to figure it out with two knuckleheads? I'm losing patience.

krisrid's review

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I had high hopes for this, when I saw other reviewers describe it as similar to the tv show Warehouse 13, which I adored! I did not find that to be the case.

First off, as some other reviewers have noted, there is an odd cadence to the writing in this book. It doesn't flow the way the best books do, where the words are almost invisible, the story seems to just absorb into your brain. This book told the story, but the writing felt a bit choppy to me, and it distracted me enough to make my brain stutter, and have to go back and re-read passages a lot.

I also found this story to be very slow moving. I read to about the 1/3 mark [hard to be sure, since the book - self-published, I assume - has no page numbers] and by that time very little of import had taken place.

The characters here are okay, but they come across as flat and rather one-dimensional. Not unlikable or unpleasant, just not the kind of characters that burrow under your skin and take up permanent residence in your brain to the point where you can't get enough of them. That is what makes a really great book, and that was missing here for me.

This isn't a bad book, and the premise is clever and engaging. The execution was what was somewhat lackluster for me. Again, not a bad book, just not the kind of book I couldn't put down and was dying to read. When I have piles of titles that I'm dying to get to, a "meh" book isn't going to be allowed to take up my time. Moving on.