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Robert Hopkins
288 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9780198896173
Format: Not specified
Language: English
Publisher: Not specified
Publication date: Not specified
The Profile of Imagining by Robert Hopkins is a provocative read for anyone fascinated by the intricacies of the human mind, particularly those interested in the intersections of perception, emotion, and imagination, who will find themselves drawn into a rich exploration of the complexities of sensory experience.
What is sensory imagining and what role does it play in our lives? How does visualizing a castle, running through a tune in one's head, or imagining the taste of fish ice cream relate to perceiving such things, or to remembering them? What are the...
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Robert Hopkins
288 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9780198896173
Format: Not specified
Language: English
Publisher: Not specified
Publication date: Not specified
The Profile of Imagining by Robert Hopkins is a provocative read for anyone fascinated by the intricacies of the human mind, particularly those interested in the intersections of perception, emotion, and imagination, who will find themselves drawn into a rich exploration of the complexities of sensory experience.
What is sensory imagining and what role does it play in our lives? How does visualizing a castle, running through a tune in one's head, or imagining the taste of fish ice cream relate to perceiving such things, or to remembering them? What are the...
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