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274 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9780281046973
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Publication date: 29 July 1993
For the Christian minister or lay counsellor seeking a comprehensive and compassionate guide to the theory and practice of pastoral counselling, Still Small Voice - An Introduction to Pastoral Counselling by Michael Jacobs is a must-read, offering a realistic and sound understanding of the complexities of the human experience and the importance of self-reflection and empathy in the helping process.
This best-selling volume has been fully revised and updated to take account of the latest thinking about the theory and practice of pastoral counselling. As reviews of the original edition demonstrate, this is a book that no Christian minister or ...
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274 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9780281046973
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Publication date: 29 July 1993
For the Christian minister or lay counsellor seeking a comprehensive and compassionate guide to the theory and practice of pastoral counselling, Still Small Voice - An Introduction to Pastoral Counselling by Michael Jacobs is a must-read, offering a realistic and sound understanding of the complexities of the human experience and the importance of self-reflection and empathy in the helping process.
This best-selling volume has been fully revised and updated to take account of the latest thinking about the theory and practice of pastoral counselling. As reviews of the original edition demonstrate, this is a book that no Christian minister or ...
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