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208 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781775342700
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Drz Media
Publication date: 01 February 2019
As we grow older, blood pressure tends to increase and create strain on the heart and its arteries. Though older people do suffer from hypertension, it is not always a natural result of aging. Hypertension can affect adults of all ages, at times d...
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208 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781775342700
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Drz Media
Publication date: 01 February 2019
As we grow older, blood pressure tends to increase and create strain on the heart and its arteries. Though older people do suffer from hypertension, it is not always a natural result of aging. Hypertension can affect adults of all ages, at times d...
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