Middleton & Rowley: Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse by David Nicol

Middleton & Rowley: Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse

David Nicol

228 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction art history medium-paced
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For readers fascinated by the intricate dance of creative partnerships and the hidden dynamics that shape artistic masterpieces, Middleton & Rowley: Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse by David Nicol offers a captivating exploration of the unexpected sparks that fly when collaborators come together, revealing the rich complexities of early modern English drama.


Can the inadvertent clashes between collaborators produce more powerful effects than their concordances? For Thomas Middleton and William Rowley, the playwriting team best known for their tragedy The Changeling, disagreements and friction proved q...

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