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Format: Digital
Language: English
Publisher: Wings of Hope Publishing
Publication date: Not specified
Threads of Time is a heartwarming and uplifting collection of Christian romantic novellas that will resonate deeply with readers who appreciate stories of love, hope, and redemption, and are looking for a comforting and inspiring read that will leave them feeling uplifted and renewed.
THREADS OF TIME—a collection of seven Christian romantic novellas about a very special quilt—one intended to grace the marriage bed of a young couple but never fulfilling its original purpose—which travels through many hands and decades, lending c...
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Format: Digital
Language: English
Publisher: Wings of Hope Publishing
Publication date: Not specified
Threads of Time is a heartwarming and uplifting collection of Christian romantic novellas that will resonate deeply with readers who appreciate stories of love, hope, and redemption, and are looking for a comforting and inspiring read that will leave them feeling uplifted and renewed.
THREADS OF TIME—a collection of seven Christian romantic novellas about a very special quilt—one intended to grace the marriage bed of a young couple but never fulfilling its original purpose—which travels through many hands and decades, lending c...
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