Magical Readathon Autumn Equinox 2024 Lore Side Quest Part 2

beata's profile picture beata Host

22 participants (18 books)

01 Sep 202431 Mar 2025


This is challenge for second part of Lore Side Quest we started in April, it's part of Magical Readathon by G. Book Roast on youtube. Here's the announcement for this edition, here's the playlist for Magical Readathon where you will find first announcement of Magical Readathon in 2021, all of the announcements since, and a guide on what happened so far (it's a little outdated but will still help) and how to catch up.
Here's Gdrive.
We will find out more at the beginning of September. I'm tentatively putting end date as end of March so just as next Spring Equinox will be beginning. I suspect this will be multiple choice as previous Side Quests, so everyone will need to track their own prompts.

Challenge Prompts
