The Cursed Media Horror Challenge

11 participants (42 books)


Read novels, novellas and short stories featuring cursed media - books, music, film and so on. Think of an antiquarian searching for the The Black Guide or a group of teens stumbling on a metal album that summons demons. 

And if you find yourself wanting more after you finish this reading challenge:
  • Television series Masters of Horror has an episode Cigarette Burns directed by John Carpenter that features a cursed film.
  • The film Antrum directed by David Amito and Michael Laicini is a mockumentary on a cursed film which also contains the cursed film itself. 
  • The Ninth Gate is a film directed by noted child rapist Roman Polanski. Adapted from novel The Club Dumas; it features a satanic book sought by a cult.
  • Deadwax is a limited neo-noir series on Shudder about a collector seeking a record rumored to kill the listener.
  • Podcast The Black Tapes explores unsolved paranormal cases via the titular recordings.
  • Video Palace is another podcast. It explores the mysterious origins of a sinister VHS tape.

Challenge Prompts
