Read with Allison 2024 Reading Challenge

147 participants (3,293 books)

01 Jan 202431 Dec 2024


This is not my challenge.

The following information has been copied from the original website Read with Allison:
Please consult the original challenge creator's website for email newsletter, printables, and more info.
"My reading challenge is pretty straight forward – read 52 books in one year, which is basically one book per week! While I do promote the idea of reading what you want, when you want, I also know that sometimes you need to read outside your comfort zone.

The purpose of the reading challenge is to help you make reading a priority-put down that phone and set a timer for 30 minutes every night. You’d be amazed how those 30 minutes add up!
In addition to my 52 book 2024 reading challenge, I will host a few extra reading challenges in my book club. These challenges are exclusive to the book club, so make sure you join the Facebook group!

To give you some ideas of what to expect, at certain times of the year, I will give you an extra challenge like a bingo board or TBR game to make the reading challenge even more fun and interactive. Some challenges can only be completed in the book club because you will need the other members to help you!

Remember to share what your books for the reading challenge on Instagram and use #readwithallison2024 and tag me @readwithallison so I can see what amazing books you are reading each month!"

Challenge Prompts
