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01 Jan 2024—31 Dec 2024
I want to read at least one book of the following genres each year to expand my reading horizons.
- Art
- Biography
- Children's
- Classics
- Comics
- Contemporary
- Crime
- Fantasy
- Fiction
- Graphic Novels
- Historical Fiction
- History
- Horror
- Humor and Comedy
- Lgbtq+
- Manga
- Memoir
- Music
- Mystery
- Nonfiction
- Paranormal
- Poetry
- Romance
- Science
- Science Fiction
- Suspense
- Sports
- Thriller
- Travel
- Young Adult
Basic Genres yearly
16 participants (222 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2024ENDS: 31 Dec 2024
I want to read at least one book of the following genres each year to expand my reading horizons.
- Art
- Biography
- Children's
- Classics
- Comics
- Contemporary
- Crime
- Fantasy
- Fiction
- Graphic Novels
- Historical Fiction
- History
- Horror
- Humor and Comedy
- Lgbtq+
- Manga
- Memoir
- Music
- Mystery
- Nonfiction
- Paranormal
- Poetry
- Romance
- Science
- Science Fiction
- Suspense
- Sports
- Thriller
- Travel
- Young Adult