Reading Challenges: Book Clubs, Podcasts & Publications
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Reese's Book Club

Hosted by madsanderson

Reese Witherspoon's Book Club picks

99 books | 31 participants

The Bill Gates Booklist

Hosted by booksoversecondbreakfast

This list is copied over from Goodreads (as of 7/28/24, only including books voted for inclusion on the list by two or more Goodreads users and of those, books in the top 250):"Bill Gates provides a bookshelf at his official site. In some cases...

222 books | 8 participants

Evernight by Illumicrate

Hosted by azure_dreams

Each Evernight book, released quarterly from Illumicrate 🖤 Setting this up to be ongoing, I'll add books as they are released.Trying to be more disciplined and read the books I spend all my money on. Especially because once I pick them up, I ca...

5 prompts | 3 participants | 5 books added

S*x Ed Book Club

Hosted by emilyandthewhippet

Sex Ed Book Club run by @sex.ed.bookclub on Instagram. Held at Juno Books in Sheffield, UK. Donates to Fumble.

20 books | 1 participant

Queer Book Group (Juno Books, Sheffield)

Hosted by emilyandthewhippet

Started February 2023.Not run in August and December.Missing Jun 2023, Nov 2023, Jan to May 2024 and July 2024 but I can't find any record of the Queer book club being put on for these months. If there was and anyone knows what they were, pleas...

10 books | 1 participant