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We Need More Ace and Aro Stories!
Hosted by charleyyyyy
This is a challenge to read more books with central AroAce-spec charicters in a range of genres!
14 prompts | 43 participants | 117 books added
Hear Our Voices: Black British and queer
Hosted by maxtaz
A challenge focused on queer Black (and mixed race) British stories
20 prompts | 4 participants | 4 books added
15 BIPOC Romance Reads
Hosted by cozyivy
Read 15 romance or smut books by BIPOC authors, at your own pace.
15 books | 23 participants
Hosted by readingpicnic
I'll update this as I think of more prompts for the types of LGBTQIA2S+ identities I want to purposefully seek out in the book and authors I read. One book can fulfill more than one category and there's no end date for this challenge.
50 prompts | 43 participants | 543 books added
Read Deaf Authors
Hosted by njlbo1
Explore Deaf Culture by reading books by deaf authors. Bonus books by CODAs (Children Of Deaf Adults).
21 books | 16 participants