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Pixie's Niche Genres Challenge

Hosted by firstorderpixie

These are some of my favourite niche genres... a bit of a different genre hunt challenge, you won't find these prompts on most other lists!

10 prompts | 1 participant | 10 books added

HPB Picks: Science Fiction

Hosted by spaghetti_noodle

This is a list of recommended sci-fi books by Half Price Books. 

59 books | 2 participants

HPB Picks: Horror

Hosted by spaghetti_noodle

This is a list of recommended horror books by Half Price Books. 

66 books | 2 participants

Broadening horizons

Hosted by huismus

I'm planning to continue to add new prompts (up to ten) for different genres or subgenres etc., so I will end up with a very diverse collection of books instead of sticking to my favourite genre. 

5 prompts | 2 participants | 6 books added

9 Spooky Novellas You Can Read Before Halloween from The Portalist

Hosted by bruxifixion

List curated by Archita Mittra for October 2023. Doesn't have to be read "before Halloween" !List originally published here:  https://theportalist.com/spooky-novellas 

9 books | 2 participants