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Books in French
Hosted by tammy_123
You can either read it in French or the translated version.
1 prompt | 7 participants | 8 books added
10 cărți scrise de autori români
Hosted by alexandraaamm
Citeste 10 carti (poate mai putin cunoscute) scrise de autori romani.
10 books | 5 participants
10 Belletristikwerke von deutschen Autorinnen aus diesem Jahrhundert
Hosted by lalu
Um einmal den Challenge-Titel auseinander zu nehmen: Ich nutze hier die Genre-Liste für Belletristik von Wikipedia (Liebesroman, Familienroman, Gesellschaftsroman, Historischer Roman, Entwicklungsroman, Reiseroman, Kriminalroman, Thriller, Horr...
10 books | 17 participants
Must Read Malayalam Books
Hosted by booksapien_007
I'm creating this challenge to cultivate the habit of reading Malayalam books. I used to read a lot of Malayalam books in my childhood but I started concentrating on English novels in my college days. Now with this challenge I'll explore the wo...
24 prompts | 2 participants | 7 books added
Reading Non-English Books
Hosted by sharknerd
I feel like I read too many books in English, despite it not being my native language. I know others feel the same. This challenge is to push myself and others to read books in other languages, any language as long as it’s not English!
10 books | 12 participants