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Books on Productivity
Hosted by ssailss
Twelve best and/or most famous books on productivity.
12 books | 4 participants
Sad Boat Books for Sad Boat People
Hosted by v_v_
Nautical history and polar exploration non-fiction from recs on tumblr by @jesslovesboats
60 books | 4 participants
Anne Frank's Wor(l)ds
Hosted by fran_ryougi
I want everybody remember Anne Frank.
9 books | 1 participant
Secular Pagan Reading List
Hosted by slackboots
This is a collection of books for folks interested in paganism and witchcraft through a secular and/or atheist lens. If you take a psychological view of magic and find deep joy and wonder in the natural world but don't believe in gods/higher po...
14 books | 12 participants
This Podcast Will Kill You Season 1-3 Readalong (Epidemiology)
Hosted by katmindae
The amazing hosts of the amazing epidemiology podcast This Podcast Will Kill You always posts recommended reading to pair with their episodes for further reading. They have a linked Goodreads list but it's not ordered by episode!Challenge ru...
56 prompts | 10 participants | 60 books added