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Critical Economics

Hosted by simonator

Long-term reading goals for the critically inclined political economist.

14 prompts | 4 participants | 14 books added

Philosophies of Life

Hosted by miajakobsen

Books to change your life, embrace self-care, and help you live your best life!

7 prompts | 13 participants | 59 books added

Read one Non-fiction book per month for 12 months

Hosted by moni_kars

Read one non-fiction book per month for 12 months. Increase the number of non-fiction books that I start and finish. 

12 books | 13 participants

Works by Eamon Duffy

Hosted by tahlia__nerds_out

An easy way to track how many Eamon Duffy books have been read, with no time limit.

14 books | 1 participant

The Inklings Non-Fiction Challenge feat. 404 Ink

Hosted by theoretically_reading

Figure you need to read more non-fiction but not sure where to start? Indie publisher 404 Ink has your back with their pocket-sized essays on a bedazzling/bedevilling range of topics. Join the challenge to pick your faves and get reading, learn...

24 books | 6 participants