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Italy's Premio Strega 2023

Hosted by hibaluss

All the 80 books proposed. 1 is the winner. 2-5 reached the finals. 6-12 reached the semi-finals. Challenges for years 2024 and 2022 have already been made by other users. 

80 books | 0 participants

Texas Bluebonnet 2024-2025

Hosted by lazyoasis

All the books from the Texas Library Association's 2024-2025 Bluebonnet Award Master List!

20 books | 2 participants

The International Booker Prize

Hosted by bone0958

from 2016

54 books | 16 participants

The Booker Prize 1969-1999

Hosted by bone0958

1969-19992000-2018 https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/9aba8926-db32-4dcb-8c90-b45b91f99be82019- https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/096e5c2f-90d4-467b-a4e3-6e48453d95af

177 books | 9 participants

The Man Booker Prize Longlist 2000-2018

Hosted by bone0958

2000-20182019- https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/096e5c2f-90d4-467b-a4e3-6e48453d95af?redirect=true1969-1999 https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/038b979b-bb3b-46fe-9cd0-aad869d032e0?redirect=true

115 books | 8 participants