A review by mastersal
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


A fascinating book and excellent use of speculative fiction in another genre. The Sci-fi premises of the book does not make this a Sci-fi novel to me (though Ursula Le Guin and Margaret Atwood would disagree). Nonetheless this book books illustrates using a speculative framework to illustrate another conflict. In this case I saw the time travel akin to a terminal disease more than the hard Sci fi convention would have it. But making this speculative fiction removed some of the angst that accompanies novels which deal with disability or illness which I appreciated.

Also I love the fact that author is very manipulative in telling the Love story of the main 2 characters. The fact that we never see other perspectives other than from the 2 leads is so deliberate that I wonder at the romance part of it. Despite what the movie tells you I don’t think the love story is meant to be epic but dependent. I really liked that part cause it kept me guessing. I don’t think this book was meant to be sweet or easy or an example of great love. It’s definitely not morose but subtly challenging on how expectations play into relationships and how the sense of predestination can subvert and reinforce your life. The ending can be read as “sweet” but I saw it as a tragedy. He book doesn’t make a judgement but presents the events and leaves it for you. This is probably why I liked it so much.