A review by pinesandpages
Lunar Love by Lauren Kung Jessen

Did not finish book.
The description gave no indication that the first third of the book involves her intentionally lying to him, and also obfuscating her identity. I can take lying sometimes, like with 10 Things That Never Happened, we knew going in that it was fake amnesia which inherently meant one party would be lying to another. But the description of this is that their businesses go to head to head, which is true but first it’s a whole lotta intentional lying!!! 

In Lunar Love, it turns out that she lies to him, and then intentionally matches with him on a dating app by specifically listing out traits she thinks he’ll like. And they go on two dates where she lies about her identity straight to his face and also very obviously grills him about his job. And when she’s found out she doesn’t even apologize!! Instead she gets mad at him for knowing who she is after Date 1. The nerve.

 Also their bet to make each other fall in love in one month is TERRIBLE. Bad bet that is easy to disprove and also who is falling in love in that time frame, esp when they’re resistant in the first place.

Overall I also didn’t really enjoy either protagonist. She was immature, he was intense, I wasn’t rooting for either of them. 

Last note - can we all acknowledge that ZodiaCupid is a terrible name??