A review by vbibz18
The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa


I have now officially reached the end of my journey with this book - and its ever intriguing story. It has not failed to impress or fascinate me. I give it a 4.9 rating out of 5 - only because I expected to cry at some point while reading it, just like I did during the ending of the second novel.
Miss Julia Kagawa's writing was undoubtedly amazing once again. The writing style was great and flawless. It suits very well with the plot of this story, and overall fitting for this novel. Encountered no issues there.
The plot-line was also as kickass, action-packed, and humour-filled as always. Allison Sekemoto continued to uphold her badass and epic fighter personality. Kanin was an interesting character to read about, and a favourite. Jackal was as irritable, funny and cocky as ever. Nonetheless I loved him and all the other characters, as they embarked on an exhausting journey to find Sarren - an evil, completely psychopathic vampire intent on destroying the rest of the remaining world by inventing another plague to kill off the remaining humans in existence - and kill him before he could manage to set it out against the people. Officially creating the end of the world.
There were many battles fought and blood shed (mostly with the rabids) to get to Eden and defeat Sarren as revenge for all the pain and harm he managed to inflict on these characters.
It was a satisfying ending to a fascinating trilogy and its story will forever be remembered by me.