A review by cozyesther
The Existence Of Amy by Lana Grace Riva


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This book is exhausting to get through, to read, and to “experience.”

“The Existence of Amy” revolves around our main character, Amy, as she battles her hidden struggle with OCD, anxiety and depression. On the outside, with the exception of being known as a canceler, she’s perfectly fine and functional. She greets her coworkers at work, she makes small chatter, she gets through the workday, meets with clients, has work meetings, and has laughs with friends. Yet, behind each of those activities, she struggles terribly and everything gives her anxiety. Most of her day’s energy is being spent on making the right enough decision to “look normal to others.” The thoughts that run through her head are enough to make you need to sit down and breath.

Amy lives an ordinary life and on the outside, you really can't tell that there's anything wrong at all. To me, on the outside, she functions as well as any office worker I've personally met or seen in my life. She attends and participates in meetings, something that I would have to find all my strength to just attend, let alone contribute to. She goes overseas for oversea business trips with her coworkers...an invitation I would never agree too.

Yet, on the inside, she's constantly agonizing over details, decisions, and is anxious pretty much throughout her entire day. You never know what someone's going through on the inside.

I loved the book and it made me tear up quite a few many times, especially towards the end. I love that she has such amazing and supportive friends, though one kind of got on my nerves a little. Her friends are encouraging and try their best to constantly include her, even with her reputation as a canceler.

Lovely, heartbreaking, and eye opening read.