A review by elylibrarysec
Pause by Kat Mizera


Rating: 4.5 Stars

Lindsay is a smart woman but yearns for a more personal connection. Stuart seems to like a good time. But as you get to know him he’s also looking for a personal connection. This is a story where we get to know a member of a band up close and personal. We get a fictional glimpse into what fans might never see.

The heat between our couple is hot almost from the beginning. Lindsay is trying to break into a very tough profession. Stuart is trying to regain himself but feels broken. There are times where you can almost feel the pain he is going through. With Lindsay, you can see how compassionate the author made her. Should you ever need her advice, she might be someone you could lean on.

I enjoyed getting to know the secondary characters. One is Lindsay’s champion and shows how good a friend can be. Another character I enjoyed is a relative of Stuart’s. She’s a firecracker and wouldn’t mind a family member like her. They help to move the story along – both through the good times and bad. Our minds may get diverted for a little while but the author knows just what to do so we know whose story we’re reading about.

Because of the business Stuart’s in, that is an important part of the storyline. It affects a lot of his life. We all realize how glamorous it sounds but never realize what it’s like for the person we put on a pedestal. I enjoyed watching how things got resolved for him because he had a champion in his corner. Their story may be finished but I’m glad to see the series isn’t.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.