A review by readikkulus
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal


This book is definitely going among my top reads for 2021.

When I first posted about this, the title made people around me uncomfortable, some even joking about it. Sure, this book had some erotic stories -- but it was so much more than that. Balli Kaur explores identity, patriarchy, indoctrination and societal customs that bind women. In this case, a community of immigrant Punjabi women based in London.

The protagonist Nikki is a modern Indian Punjabi girl, who has grown up in Britain. Not finding her calling in law, she drops out of law school much to the chagrin of her parents. Nikki works at a pub and is constantly debating her sister's choice for an arranged marriage. The need for money to help her now widowed mother, Nikki takes up a job at the Punjabi community centre in Southall. While the job ad had her believe she was going to be teaching creative writing sessions to a group of widows, she realises in her first class that she many of them are illiterates. What started as an English lesson turns into a platform for these widows to express their deepest desires -- those often perceived as taboo for women without husbands.

These classes are equally empowering to the widows and Nikki herself, something she hadn't expected. While Nikki builds a bond with these widows, there are secrets she discovers that put her life at stake. If I tell you more, I'm practically giving away the entire read. The story further weaves in imposition of honour, morals and values and how they change as per convenience. So many plot twists, my friends. I would highly recommend this.