A review by mindfullibrarian
This Will Be My Undoing: Living at the Intersection of Black, Female, and Feminist in (White) America by Morgan Jerkins


This essay collection by Morgan Jerkins is essential reading for everyone. The subtitle pretty much says it all, although it doesn’t convey just how poetic and artful the writing is. How raw it is. This is a book for those wanting to grow as humans.....as citizens....as friends, wives, husbands, neighbors, coworkers, and voters. It is graphic and it is not always easy to read, but I am SO glad I did.

(Thank you to Harper Perennial for the review copy of this book - all opinions are my own)

Remember how I told you you HAVE to read TEARS WE CANNOT STOP by Michael Eric Dyson?? Well, here is your 2018 companion title. Read, weep, and grow, my friends.

And Jerkins definitely made me think....who am I actually talking to here? Well, everyone? Obviously Black men and Black women will read this differently. White women and White men will too. So will ANYONE reading it - every reader comes to a book with a different mindset, just as Jerkins originally faced Harlem with a different mindset than her neighbors did. Without wanting to offend or appropriate or do ANYTHING the author finds offensive, I’m simply telling you ALL to read this.....did I do that right? Is it possible for a White woman to speak about race and feminism without being wrong? I honestly don’t know anymore, but I’m trying to learn. And I’m happy to have Jerkins teaching me.

And yes, I have SO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT RACE by Ijeoma Oluo on my bookshelf as one of my very next reads