A review by lily_knowles
The Truth About Owls by Amal El-Mohtar


3,5 stars.

Amal El-Mothar is a talanted writer. The way she weaves words together to craft a story is beautiful!

This was an interesting and unique read. I loved the small sections that stated fact about owls, and how they tied into the story and character development. It dealt with very important aspects of coming from another country, not feeling welcomed, or like you belong. Having to deal with prejudices, and disconnection from parents due to not looking alike or of the same ethnicity.

I liked how the myth of Blodeuwedd was the catalyst lof everything. It was all fun to read about a myth I enjoy!

The last sentences of the ending were impactful, but I wish there had been a bit more to the ending at the moment it feels anticlimatic. But besides that I truly enjoyed it!