A review by stormlightreader
The Death Watcher by Chris Carter


I can easily devour a Chris Carter book in a sitting, but this wasn't one of those books, but this isn't to say this book isn't good. Carter is known for his graphic crime scenes (which is why I gravitated towards this series in the first place) but I felt that this book was missing this element. 

The plot is dark and Carter does what he does best, delving into the mind of this killer. However, one aspect of thrillers I'm often let down by is the killer's 'reveal' of their motive, and this book was no exception. The reason behind the motive is definitely not nice but I do struggle to suspend disbelief enough to believe that a person would experience this and then go down this path (even though there is an element of 'based on true events' to this particular novel).

Regardless of plot, I will always enjoy my yearly Hunter novel. Garcia, Hunter and Blake (she needs to be highlighted as an important character now, I think) are great characters. I have really come to love the relationship between Garcia and Hunter, they are a great duo, and Blake is a supporting character that I thoroughly enjoy. 

I am committed to this series but I am hoping for a bit of the horror that Chris Carter used to bring in his earlier books.