A review by stormlightreader
Sword of Kings by Bernard Cornwell


Random note to start with: there has definitely been a change in tone since King Alfred died, one I'm happy about. While watching the show, the biggest annoyance for me was Uhtred being tethered to Alfred because of a vow he'd made, which felt less prominent in the books, even when Alfred was alive, but since Alfred's death and him taking back Bebbanburg, it feels like Uhtred is more free. Even though he is still keeping promises to Alfred's kids, it still doesn't feel like he's in the same kind of chokehold as he is in the show. 

Sword of Kings is another good book which feels a little repetitive and one plot thread make a reappearance (Uhtred's wife conveniently ends up dead just as he's found a replacement wife 🙄, which is tiresome but the show prepared me for that). However, I am enjoying how Uhtred's aging is being portrayed, and that he isn't faultless in this book. It's not the first book in the series that feels like a filler book but there is some slight differences in this one. The most notable being that Uhtred encounters quite a humiliating encounter at the hands of an enemy, which naturally Finan rescues him from. If it wasn't for the intervention of others, namely Finan, Uhtred may not still be alive at the end of Book 12. Finan, once again is the best character in this book! 

I never grow tired of Cornwell's action scenes. I like that the past couple of books have been set on ships - random thing to review, but I liked that. These books have without a doubt become a comfort read for me and you know exactly what you're getting from them, and if that's what you want in your comfort reads then you won't be disappointed.

One more book to go!