A review by readwithshashank
The Liberation of Sita by Volga


Among the list of recommendations, I picked this next, partly due to the fact it was a really quick read and could complete in a few hours.

The book’s message is about how women should disentangle themselves from the invisible control of men around them and have their own existence. Volga has written four separate stories and then connected them using Sita as a central character.

Sita followed her husband Lord Rama into the forest without a second thought, resisted Ravana and maintained her strength and composure in all situations. Yet, she had to go through the Agnipariksha to prove her purity. She came out of it unscathed, yet she was eventually banished from the Kingdom. She did her job as a doting mother, groomed her sons and eventually united with Mother Earth. Her sons were welcomed and accepted in Ayodhya (she still wasn’t).

It’s a creative interpretation where Sita meets four women and how lessons from each of them help in her self discovery. The four characters being: Surpanakha, Urmila, Ahalya and Renuka Devi - each with their own path, thinking and learnings to share. The stories clearly highlight in each woman’s life and how they suffered based on decisions taken or rules made by men, without due consideration to women.

I hope we all work towards correcting/ removing the gender biases and make the world a better place.