A review by iam
Mustang Hill by Rolf and Ranger


Mustang Hill is the shortest book in the Falls Chance Ranch series as well as the most spiritual.
I also like to think of it as Jasper's book. Jasper has always been the most elusive and hard to grasp member of the main five, and even though he is very present in all of the books Mustang Hill is where he steps into the foreground for the first time.

Big topics of this books include grief and spirituality, Shoshone and Cherokee history and traditions, perfectionism and 9/11 - not on a political, but on a deeply personal level related to the families of those who were in the towers that day.

It's also incredibly emotional. It's raw and makes you ache, and I can't wrap my head around how masterfully it's implemented - how deeply the authors make you feel, even when having no personal stakes or any sort of interest in the topics. That counts for all books in this series, but this one especially - to make me care this much about a characters who don't even appear in the book & move me to tears regarding them??? I didn't think it was possible.

Highlights include:
- Riley saving a mustang mare
- a very cross Paul
- Paul and Dale having a silent but fierce battle over the colour of quilts and the order of the herb pots
- Dale starting his freelance work and it ending spectacularly
- Dale and Riley's first (and only) big fight which ends hilariously and Dale gets a 6 out of 10 in doorslamming (mostly for effort)
- a roll in the hay
- a spirit stallion
- introduction to the "Darcy - brat or no brat?" discussion
- "It's over, they've found Roger." (I cry ever time omg)