A review by labueclarissa89
Pearl in the Sand by Tessa Afshar


I admit that despite being a Christian myself I have always turned my nose away from Christian media. I remember hating the days of being forced to watch awful shows like Veggie Tales in Sunday school and always felt that the rest of the media geared towards Christians must be unbearable. I always found the music particularly hard to suffer through.

I became an ardent atheist in my teens and twenties and only returned to the faith when I lost my mother in my late twenties. I am trying to be a better person and better Christian though and have started reading my bible, albeit very slowly but surely. The story that so far has captured my interest more than any other of the Bible has been that of Rahab. I thought maybe reading a historical fiction book about the woman who I admired most from the Bible might help me find some interest in Christian books at least.

This book was amazing. I did not expect to have such a good time reading this book nor did I think I would feel so profoundly inspired. I found Rahabs story to be riveting and awe inspiring. Her faith in God is greater than anyone’s I’ve ever known in real life. It’s made me reconsider my own relationship with God and how I should be versus how I’ve been. Just the way she and Salmone think of God and the lessons he is imparting on them makes me want to reconsider my own struggles and what God may have tried to teach me.

This book has shown me that not only can Christian fiction be really good but that a book can also have the power to inspire you and make you really re-examine your own life and faith, or maybe in my case has been a lack thereof.