A review by omiai
Their Obsession by K.A. Merikan


So I loved the first book in this series, but this might be even better!
There is some lovely character progression, you see more of clover's relationship with Drake (it previously focused more on Tank and the group as a whole), starting with them returning from a lovely week away learning all sorts of sexy new things that they have to show off to the other boys.
But things get dark when they take on a new job and discover that it's to do with Jerry, the man who sold Clover to a collector, before he escaped and wound up with the mercenaries.
The story gets very serious from here on, and very dark.
There are some touchy subjects in this book, but as always Merikan handle them with care, never glorifying any of the evil acts that occur. If you've read any of their books before, you'll be prepared for how dark they can get, if you haven't, well you've been warned.
I wouldn't start with this book as a lot of the story progression does require you to have read the first book (their bounty), so I really recommend you start there. You won't regret it!
The cliffhanger at the end will leave me clamouring for the next book, and I think you will probably find the same.