A review by emrose823
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


The Time Travel’s Wife follows the relationship between the two main characters, Henry and Clare, over Clare’s entire life. She first meets Henry as a young girl in a meadow behind her house while he is time traveling. His time travels are random, often brought on by stress, and the reader is able to follow most of them throughout his life. This book is anything but told in chronological order. Each chapter begins with the person narrating at the time, either Henry or Clare, the date, and the age of each of them respectively. This keeps the reader from being confused as they read, and establishing a direct time line of their lives. I enjoyed most about this book the addition of a scientist half way through the book. I feel as if this validates the time traveling as an actual occurrence, a disease is what they call it, rather than being supernatural.