A review by cebolla
Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation by Peter Gelderloos


One of my favorite books about Anarchy is "Anarchy Works," also by Peter Gelderloos. Whenever anyone asks me for a recommendation for introductory books about anarchism, it's still the first thing that comes to my mind. It covers a more-than-fair amount of sub-topics, but maintains its readability throughout. Although I think Gelderloos got a little repetitive and boring in all his books about non-violence, I was still looking forward to reading Worshiping Power.

It took me almost a month to read this 250 page book and even though I finished it less than a half an hour ago, I'd be hard pressed to find words if someone were to ask me for a summary or what I just put down. This density is one of my biggest complaints about anarchism--we want people to understand our belief systems instead of just believing what they see on TV, but most of the books are written in a way that only uber-educated people can grasp them.

Hopefully Gelderloos gets back to writing for the people instead of is fellow intellectuals.