A review by jessbookrecs
Follow the River by CE Ricci


I know you’re probably feeling a lot right now.
Angry, hurt, betrayed. Empty, broken, confused.
Completely pissed off with that cliffhanger.
I wish I could tell you I’m sorry for that, but I’m not a liar. I’m glad you’re feeling these things because that means you were able to connect with River and Rain on an emotional level and that is exactly what I wanted for this novel.”

BITCH fuck the cliffhanger. It’s the FUCKING audacity of Rain that’s setting me on fire with fury. Honestly I know in romance books authors always make sure the characters say cliche shit like « I don’t deserve you » but you know who doesn’t deserve someone? MOTHERFUCKING Rain that’s who. Honestly FUCK HIM. I want to say he is the way he is because of his trauma but there’s only a handful of times that excuse can fly before someone is just borderline pathetic.
And River? Gosh. I’ve never known someone so stupid in my entire life. The thing they have although I’m not denying their love is balant ABUSE! Jesus this dude even forgave Rain over and over again and he didn’t even work for it.
Hell River he fucking raped you and you let him fuck you again without an apology. HE LEFT YOU ON THE FLOOR BLEEDING!!! What did you do? You bought the bitch condom and lube so he won’t slide in raw next time.
My God I’ve never been so mad reading a book in my entire life.

I love them together though with all my heart. I don’t know what type of human that makes me but even I can’t ignore the fact that they’re SOULMATES.