A review by isabelisalright
Eighty Days Yellow by Vina Jackson


Cross post from my blog rabidgummibear.wordpress.com

Drawn in by the 50 Shades of Grey comparisons? Eighty Days Yellow is the perfect book to read, but only if you are prepared for how strikingly different it is. This book is eloquently written, filled with suspense and has plenty of intrigue. You’ll find it filled to the brim with very intense scenes that make this book not for the faint of heart.

The setup is semi-stereotypical with a pre-arranged situation being worked out for payment of an item. In this case, Summer needs a new violin and Dominik is our mysterious benefactor. As compensation for his gift, he requires her to play for him in some rather odd and intense settings. Before all this happens, however, we start by meeting Summer and her boyfriend Darren, who is the polar opposite of her. It’s apparent that Summer is a free will-type when we first meet her laying on the floor of her Darren’s apartment while listening to Vivaldi's four seasons. Dominik is introduced to us as well and it’s apparent that he’s our typical aloof and mysterious male, but in the best of ways. This leads to some interesting situations between the two. By the end of the book, the love story elements start to shine through past the BDSM material.

This book personally left me hankering for a sequel. I honestly found every single scene stirred up somethingin me as I read them. It was wholly enjoyable to read and watch the relationship between Summer/Dominik develop into something more than just sex.

Finally, I would love to give this book a perfect rating but, due to the minor formatting issues that I’m unsure of being present in the final version, I can only give it a 4 out of 5. I highly recommend this title if you are willing to try something different and better than 50 Shades of Grey. Also be willing to actually work while reading it to find the love story hidden beneath the BDSM elements. This book is definitely worth the cash to delve into this erotic world.