A review by jessplayin
Everyone Knows How Much I Love You by Kyle McCarthy


"Everyone Knows How Much I Love You" is probably one of the best things I've read in a few years. This is a particularly astonishing achievement for a debut novel. It's a gripping read that delves into obsession, greed, self-loathing, betrayal, and friendship. Once I had started reading I had trouble tearing myself away. A welcome addition to the character studies of unreliable narrators that feels like Single White Female meets Nabokov.

Rose and Lacie were friends in their youth until one fateful night in high school where Rose changes everything. After years of not speaking they rekindle their friendship but are Rose's intentions friendship or obsession?

Actual image of Rose inserting herself back into Lacie's life below:

The writing is so fluid and beautiful. It is utterly breathtaking. It flows almost as fluidly as the water frequently mentioned throughout. What struck me the most is the vivid imagery that McCarthy conjures for us with passages depicting things like silence passing between individuals as "honey from a spoon."

Descriptions in the novel are not always metaphorically told though. Some are very graphic and fair warning some of the sexual encounters in this book are not only graphic but are BDSM so if you like modesty this may not be your cup of tea. Vanilla is not the flavor for this book.

Mega thanks for this advanced copy Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine!! Definitely check this book out.