A review by robotowilliam
Treason by Timothy Zahn


At first I was turned off by the ridiculous lengths the book started off taking to - for the third book in a row - highlight Thrawn's intelligence and coolness, but by the end of the book I was really enjoying reading it! The action and descriptions of Star Wars space battles from the side of the Imperials but with a competent and organised cast of characters is great fun to read.

I still find it irritating that Thrawn is always utterly unphased and with a plan that always works, no matter how absurd it really is. However, if that's the name of the game, I can live with it.

I had a couple of gripes with the ending (minor spoilers). Firstly, the twist that we had literally no way to see coming but which Thrawn (obviously) did. That was lame by its nature, and worse in its reveal. Secondly, the way the TIE Defender program ends up. Thrawn just GIVES IT UP WITHOUT A FIGHT. After everything he's shown he's capable of, this loss was completely unbelievable and he doesn't even react to it. Of course the Deathstar has to go on to be made and Thrawn's TIE Defenders do not appear in the movies, but if the author couldn't figure out how to make Thrawn lose he should at least have had the Emperor step in and go "nope, I want a big battlestation, Thrawn shut up you lose anyway" rather than letting him be outsmarted (is that really what happened??) by Ronan and Krennic.