A review by molodchyk
The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle


A happy man is a man who has a goal of becoming better in some area in his life and who moves towards it. As every action of growing requires pains to do it, only the one who doesn't get pleasures not related with his goals can be truly happy? Like because he was overwhelmed with pleasure so now he has more pain stacked up against him and now he has to solve that I don't know.

Chaos vs order theory: if you have a lot of chaos in the system which disbalances you, you cannot be happy (or flourishing). First you need to get a goal and then start making more order in your life, as you make more order you become happier. And like how would you be more successful if you can predict the chaos before it happens and make sure to prevent it from happening?? But then how do you know that chaos won't affect you?? Maybe by seeking the truth or something and being really knowledgeable and open minded idk. The thing he called practical wisdom.