A review by stormlightreader
The Mexican Mafia by Tony Rafael

A very detailed analysis of the Mexican Mafia, a powerful Los Angeles gang, powerful both in and out of the prison system. 

Rafael's book is comprehensive but felt a little repetitive. The focus of the book is on a handful of crimes and court cases, with perhaps too much focus on a handful of detectives involved. The court cases are described in a lot of detail, there’s a lot of people to remember, and where photos could have been used to help clarify gang members, they weren't. 

This book reads like a text book, making it difficult to keep focused, particularly when the court room stuff came around. This books isn't an overview of the Mexican Mafia, like I expected and hoped for, but I still got a fair understanding of how the Eme operates. However, I would have liked more on how the mafia was created and how it grew. 

That said, it has made me more curious about the Mexican Mafia and I'd like to find a book that's more mafia-centric than detective-centric.