A review by pleiadesfall
Ghost Knight by Cornelia Funke


Another book by Cornelia Funke I finished this week.

Ghost Knight told us story about Jon who's despised his mother's boyfriend and tried to get rid of him but instead in the end his mother sent him to a boarding school. Which he didn't enjoy at all in the first place. But everything changed since he encountered a group of ghosts taunting him and wanted him to death. Our little Jon got so freaked out and that was how he met Ella, a pretty popular girl in the school, who interested in ghost and adventures.

God, I love every tiny bits of this book. Pretty book, with pretty plot and illustrations which bring me back to remembrance of how reading a book could bring you so much joy. Jon Whitcroft is a straightforward, innocent, and funny narrator. He spoken out his thought honestly alongside the story. His character was well developed, from a spoiled child to a really caring boy. He wasn't character that all heroic or brave or possessed a great strength. He's only ordinary boy, really, who learned so much from his experience with ghost.

Ella, on the other hand is one brave heroine I liked so much. She's type of girl who always stole my heart away. I liked her boldness and bravery. Like how she asked Jon about the ghost in their first meeting, that was a very bold move. Ella also the one who helped Jon to figure out solution to his problem, she suggested almost all the smart acts, actually.

Aside from our two main characters, we also have Zelda, Ella's quirky grandmother (she also loved her granddaughter very much! So sweet of Zelda :>), The Beard, Jon's mother's dentist boyfriend (which Jon hated so much), and also William Longspee!

Cornelia Funke's writing style, despite told in first person point of view, still bear her elegant and beautiful way of telling a story. I cracked up so much in the certain part of this book. Of course, this book also has dark side in it. But really, what could you expect from a book about ghost? There should be enough amounts of darkness in it, right? I think this book perfect for middle schoolers ( I'm almost 19 and I enjoyed it, lol), not too dark, but not all cheesiness. Actually it did reminded me of how I felt when I read Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. Well, it didn't have heavy plot as Harry Potter but otherwise it was a really enjoyable read, and lovely tale.

I marked my favorite quotes and scene from this book. There is one that I like the most, the scene when Jon standing before tinted glass in Hartgill's church. His realisation about death and time made me thought of it in my own mind.