A review by atagarev
Death & Desire by Deborah Wilde


Second book in the series and some things are starting to seem a bit repetitive. Still there was enough character progression to keep my attention but I really hope some of these conflicts starts resolving or at least progressing sometime soon.

My main complaint from the last book was the lack of any actual sherlocking. Well, this time the heroine does some major deductive leaps. It would have been bad enough if they were simply unsubstantiated but instead of that they all turn out to be completely wrong which is even worse. I don't get it, we are told the character is a great investigator but every time she is forming a hypothesis I find myself screaming at her in my head that her reasoning is very flawed and makes no sense. So when it repeatedly turns out that her reasoning was flawed and incorrect, what are we supposed to think? Is she actually a terrible investigator and very naive about her world? Cause it sure seems like that is what the narrative is showing us.