A review by shanaqui
Universal Basic Income by Karl Widerquist

informative medium-paced


Universal Basic Income is part of a series from the MIT press, the "Essential Knowledge Series", and this installment is by Karl Widerquist. The point of it is to act as a primer on the subject of Universal Basic Income (UBI), and be a bit of an advocate for it, based on what we know about similar programmes and test cases. 

The evidence is (or was at the time of posting) not totally straightforward, because the true test of a UBI would be universality and unconditionality, and most trials have not been universal even within a small area, and may have contained conditions. Widerquist makes a good argument that the results we see are indicative of success, though, and that some aspects of the effects of a UBI might be underreported in such a small study (while acknowledging that some are probably overreported).

There are quite a few acronyms flying around which I didn't always find easy to remember, but mostly it's a fairly straightforward explanation and manifesto. However, there were a few editing booboos, including an entire paragraph being repeated verbatim in a list, which was a bit annoying.