A review by columnclub
A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb


This book has been one of my favourites since I was about fifteen, and it's one of those rare books that could have all its flaws pointed out to me and I could even agree with them but I'd still find it utterly compelling. The only real caveat I have is that the ending feels quite rushed. You could call this a 'paranormal romance', but that really doesn't cover it. It doesn't feel like a paranormal romance, especially not a YA one, probably because there's so much depth to it and the prose is just so beautiful. It feels like a literary novel, and to me it's timeless.

Helen is a compelling narrator partially because of the way she writes and how she's drawn to literature, and partially because of her responses to Jenny's world and how she cares about Jenny herself. James is similarly appealing through Billy. That they're of different times adds some nice touches, but to me it never felt like a trite way of giving them quirks. That the novel makes both Helen and James and Jenny and Billy interesting pairs of characters is impressive, and I can't wait to read the companion novel Under the Light and see how those stories continue.