A review by iam
A Stealthy Situation by Saxon James


Sweet romance with some twin-mixup shenanigans, that unfortunately didn't give me what I wanted from it.

I did enjoy the main romance. Harrison's plant nerdy-ness was adorable, and I liked reading about Bennet and Emmet all grown up after meeting them as kids in Line Mates & Study Dates. That said, their brotherly relationship and the rest of their family came way too short for me. I wanted all the cameos and family reunions, and there was pretty much none of that except one or maybe two phone calls. There even WAS a big family reunion, but it was pushed off-page and then barely talked about. Big disappointment and missed opportunity.

I also found the complete lack of resolution for the main big outside conflict super unsatisfying. Sure, the whole "no matter what we find a way" is nice and lovely, but to just avoid giving a solution to the problem left me feeling almost robbed of a proper ending.
I also didn't get why Harrison cared so much about the "cheating". There was nothing in his characterization to give a hint about why he wants to follow the rules there.

Not a bad book at all, it just didn't give me what I wanted from it.